Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Southeast Dance Competition!

I had the privilage to be invited to shoot the Southeast Dance Competition. Now, being the long time overall dancer and B girl, this tickled me to death. It was a great night and everyone had a blast. Performers and audience alike. Alex Author with Tourentdj's was the one that put it all together. We had entertainers from all over the southeast come to perform. The judges were pretty awesome too! Lots of expierence in the house. The competitors ranged from very young to adult. I truly hope that this guys rocks out another event 'cause it was one great night. Check out the whole album that's posted on my facebook page.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

This is me. I'm a photographer and love it! I love to have fun and love to dance! Capturing who you are today is what's it's all about. The memories to last a life time.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My First Blog

So.... I have so many friends telling me to blog. There are either way ahead of me in photography and telling me it's important or they don't do photography at all and would like to have a little narrative to go along with the pictures. I'm not sure as to what I could possibly explain that hasn't been explained before and better. I got to thinking about it and made the decision that it would, if nothing else, be interesting for me to view in the future to see where I was in my head at a given time of my photography and life in general. If you visit, I hope I don't bore you. If you visit often, give me some feedback. Take care in your lives people and make it count!!